Friday, September 23, 2011

Quote of the day - Dr. Seuss

Today you are you!
That is true-er than true!
There is no one alive
That is you-er than you!
Shout aloud " I am glad
to be what I am!"
Thank goodness I'm not
a clam or a ham or a
dusty old jar of
gooseberry jam!"
I am what I am!
What a great thing to be!
If I do say so myself
Happy every day to me!

Dr. Seuss

Yes,  I'm going to try  posting a quote of the day. I don't know if I can do it everyday, but - maybe every other day. (we'll see)
I thought that Dr. Seuss is always a safe one to start with!  Isn't that a cheery quote? I like it.

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