Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Be's..........

Be Grateful.
Be Smart.
Be Involved.
Be Clean.
Be True.
Be Positive.
Be Humble.
Be Still.
Be Prayerful.
(Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley)

I've always liked the above mentioned 'Be's. President Hinckley gave a Conference talk on them years ago and it was something quite witty that we all liked and remembered.
 He said that these 'B's will bring purpose into your life and give you direction to your energies. 
I have a little plaque in my bedroom with these Be's on it (that my sis-in-law gave me). 
It always makes me smile.
Well, I've tried to live by them, but I know I faulter daily.  It's a constant struggle. I guess that's what life is, huh?! 
Anyways, today I'm thinking of getting ready to go to Idaho Falls this weekend to be with my daughter and her family.  She is due and they will induce her  (this weekend) - because she has had a lot of false labor and is already dilated.  I love being a Grandma and sure enjoy being around those grandkids. (just wish I had more energy).

Today I walked 4 miles as I did yesterday and the day before.  I'm trying to keep it going, but I'm sure feeling slow and tired.  I haven't been doing much running or jogging.  I guess I'm kind of in a slump.
But now with the change of such beautiful weather - I intend to get out as much as possible.
( I don't know if that will work while I'm in Idaho Falls, tho).

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

Here's another BE
BE a grandma! I hope you have a great time.