Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"A person's a person - no matter how small" (- from Horton Hears a Who)

I read an article about Kids and how hard should we push them on learning a talent, sport, activity, etc.???
Many people responded with their ideas and what parents should do.

It made me immediately go back to my memories of trying to get my kids to play the piano. One child in particular who made my life miserable for that one year that I made him take piano lessons! I realize now that I really shouldn't have even forced him to take that one year.  But many parents will disagree with me. I was surprised to read from these parents that they thought it was the right thing to do - to force the children to do these things and they(our kids) will thank us later.  It didn't sound right to me.

 Here are a couple quotes that I wrote down from the parents' ideas that I liked:

"Respect a child's humanity and individualism, do not force anything that isn't required for their safety or health."
"We can try to help and direct them onto the right path for them.  They need the opportunity to explore activities and find what suits their likes and dislikes."

I know my daughter wishes that I taught her to sew, but she is taking a sewing class now and enjoying it very much.  So it's never too late.
Speaking of my daughter, she is due with our 4th grandchild (a girl) in a week or so.  But she is already having some false labor, so I'm thinking I may be going to Idaho Falls soon.

Rocky and I did the run around the river yesterday - and he did about 4 miles more than me, but I'm not as sore as he is today! yay!

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

What ever you did with your kids, you must have done it right. They turned out pretty great. Have fun with that new grandbaby when the time comes.