Sunday, November 21, 2010


Yes, that's right........I ordered a Christmas present for myself!! I'm in love w/my Iphone so when they came out with the IPAD - I kept thinking of ways that I could justify buying myself one.
Last year I had finally bought myself a laptop. And I've really enjoyed having a laptop. I can take it with me wherever I go and have all my stuff on it.
 Yes, I know I'm not the best at computers, but I'm okay.
 For not being raised with them, I feel like I do okay.  It's true that when ever I have a question with my computer - I have to ask one of my kids.
I have had a lot of st00pid questions, but 'hey!' that's the only way you learn, right??!!

So a couple weeks ago, my laptop gave off a loud crackling noise and displayed a big spark of light.
And after that, the screen would not work.  I looked up my warranty and of course, the warranty had expired a few weeks earlier.  So I really don't want to have to fix the screen - so I just hooked it up to a screen I have here at home.  Well, that means that I must keep my laptop at home now, right?!
 And yes,
I need another type of computer device to take on the road!!  YEAH!  I had my reason to order the IPAD!!
My husband thinks it's funny - that I have to rationalize somehow to buy myself the IPAD. 
He doesn't think I will use it that much.  But I know he's wrong. I will go crazy with it. I know there are a million apps out there for it and I can do pretty much anything w/it.   I heard that it has a greater GPS system then my Iphone.  I will love that.  And I can get on the internet anywhere, because I will have the 3G AT&T system IPAD. 
I can't help it. I'm excited.
I hope it gets here before Thanksgiving. Then I'll really have something to be thankful for.  (j/k)

1 comment:

Sylvia said...

Ohhh, you are making me jealous! You will have to bring it over to my house and show it to me.