Monday, November 2, 2009

These are the good ole' days...

Yep, that's the song on my mind today. 'These are the good 'ole days'  by Carly Simon...
I really need to be thinking of my blessings - this is the season to reflect and be grateful.
For some reason we always think it's going to get better later -or better after something happens.
I like to listen to Marianne Williamson a lot and she speaks a lot of truth to me.
She has a great perspective on life.  She preaches from some books titled " A Course in Miracles".  Last year she had a thought every day from "A course in Miracles" and I loved most all of them.  They basically preach the way Jesus taught  in the Bible. Very good stuff.  I may have to get ahold of those books some day.
But I have been blessed to be able to read a lot of good books and belong to a church that generates a lot of good reading.  #1 being ' the Book of Mormon'.   I'm so thankful to belong to this church - I've learned so much from being a member and growing up in the church.  I've had lots of wonderful friends and still do have from being a part of  this church.  I really couldn't see my life any better without it.  In fact,  I know it would be worse.
I'm also thankful for all my friends from other faiths and denomonations. I feel that we are very loving and accepting of each other - even if we disagree on some things.
       Well, I've gotta get ready for Pilates.  I did get a chance to walk 4 miles today.  It was a beautiful sunny day - so I got to go outside!   It was fabulous......:)
 Today is the 1st day of harvesting the trees (for my husband)  He is a tree nurseryman ( mainly fruit trees).  He is out there on a big tree digger right now.  I do hope harvest goes well this year.  It usually takes 2 weeks or so.

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