Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dec. 1st..

Yes, we had a great Thanksgiving.  This is a picture of Jay with the kids one night. I didn't get any great pictures of us all, because Greg & Heidi didn't make it.  Oh, well..........
The thing I'm most upset about is that I didn't run all week and I can tell.  I got on the scales and I'm the heaviest I've ever been!!  What is going on??? I've tried hard this year to do more walking/running and I'm fatter than ever.  I've gotta find a way to cut back the calories, I guess.   No fun..........
Anyways, today I did 4 miles on the treadmill. I'm going to keep trying. 
Altho, Rocky & I are going on a trip back east - he is going to a couple interviews for his Pathology Residency.  One is in Memphis and the other is in Hartford, CT.  I'm going along for the fun of it. I'm sure I'll try and see Graceland and maybe even get over to Nashville (Opryland).  That will be fun. 
I will take my jogging clothes and try to keep up my exercising in the hotels.
Well, tonight we are going to the movie 2012. Not much else happening.
We will be leaving tomorrow night.

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