Sunday, February 28, 2010

Great walk today.

Yes, I had a nice 4-5 mile walk in the sun this morning. It was wonderful. I didn't run or jog - I just walked and listened to my tunes.  We don't have Church until 1 pm on Sundays this year, so that gives me plenty of time in the morning. Yes,  I'm ready to start walking outside more.
On my walk today - I thought a lot about how much I love this beautiful Earth that God created for us. I think I love almost every kind of terrain it offers.  I love the ocean.  I love the mountains (especially the ones with trees on them). I even see beauty in this desert area that we live in.  I love looking up at that beautiful blue sky and seeing the sun, the clouds, and sometimes even the moon in the daytime. I feel blessed to be able to get out and walk on this land.  Thank you. Thank you for this wonderful abundant feeling that I feel today, Lord.
I've been blessed to be able to see a lot of the earth out there. We've been to Europe a few times, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Canada, Mexico, The Carribbean, and many places in the USA.  I think I remember every trip and how in awe I was at the land and the people and the history and the food and.....and...... 
I've learned a lot from each trip. I do love to travel.  
The above pic is of Jay and I on some amazing round rocks in New Zealand. (January 2007)