Sunday, September 6, 2009

Anyway - Martina McBride

Yes, today's song is by Martina McBride.:  You can spend your whole life building -something from nothing...
one storm can come and blow it all away....Build it Anyway...........
You can chase a dream -that seems so out of reach and you know it might not ever come your way.......
Dream it Anyway...............God is great, but sometimes life ain't good.....and when I pray - it doesn't always
turn out like I think it should.  But I do it Anyway....I do it Anyway.....
Good song..
The above pictures - are pictures of  'The Winters' Family' (My side)  at the beach in Newport, Oregon.
We try to get together every summer there for one week. It's always such a great family Reunion, but it's usually always, windy & cold.  So I'm trying to get them to do something different next summer.  Maybe in Chelan.......but I'm sure we will always go back to Newport.(now and then)  Because it has a good set up for our family there at the Shilo Inn.  It's right on the beach and one of the suites has a room that's big enough for all of us to meet in. Yes, we have a lot of memories there.  I have a great family... and so does Jay....'The Adams Family.....I'll have to dedicate some time to them here soon!  Wow....this really has turned into a journal for me.  But it has helped me keep my walking going.  I went out for 5 miles today. I did the first 2 on the treadmill while it was raining and then went out for the other 3-  into the elements.  It was a little windy.
Good Sunday.

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