Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday Blahs

Boy, I felt very "Blah" today.  Maybe it's the weather. The rain does that to ya.

Usually on Sundays - I feel very upbeat.  I think it's cause I like going to church and socializing with friends.
Not today     ...It was one of those days where I just couldn't wait to get out of church!!

I guess we just go through these days.   It's like my dad always says, " You've gotta take the bad with the good or you don't deserve the good!"

I did walk 4 miles outside yesterday morning in the messy, muddy cold.  At least - it wasn't as cold as it usually is.
Jay and I watched two movies in one day! (yesterday)  We don't usually do that.  We went to Spokane to pick up Rocky at the airport and we had plenty of time and didn't need to shop for anything.  They were kind of boring and long movies - so I don't think I'll even mention them here today.....:)
Boy, I really do feel 'Blah' right now.   :)


Sylvia said...

I hope today goes better. The rain has stopped and the sky is blue. Heck, you are probably running past my house right now. :)

Marie Winters Adams said...

Thanks, Sylvia! Today was better, but I didn't go run! Yes, it was a nice day. I'm on my way down to see my grandkids and Staci of course, It's her birthday. That will get rid of the Blahs!!